OpenPlant PID Help

To Place an Assembly

  1. Select Assembly Manager from the PID Tools ribbon.
  2. Find and select the desired assembly from the assemblies tree section of the dialog.
    Tip: If you know the name of the assembly, you can use the search option to find it.
  3. Choose the insertion method to use (As Assembly or As Individual Components.)
  4. Click Insert. The Modify Tags dialog opens.
  5. If no changes are to be made to any components, click OK.
  6. Pick a point in the drawing to place the assembly. The assembly is placed in the drawing.
    • The Configuration Variable BMF_PBS_ITEM_RULE_FOR_COMPONENTS allows maintaining the Plant Breakdown Structure Property values of the components and pipelines copied to the clipboard to facilitate splitting a PID document. This variable works for both assemblies and items pasted from the clipboard, but does not control the NUMBER property.
      • 0: Components placed from the clipboard are placed with drawings active WBS items.
      • 1: Components placed from the clipboard are placed with components original WBS items. It happens only if the components original WBS items are present in the drawing. If Component's original WBS items are not present in the drawing, then components are placed with WBS item as None.
      • 2: On pasting components from clipboard, the following dialog appears:
        • On selecting the first option, Components placed from the clipboard are placed with drawings active WBS items.
        • On selecting the second option, Components placed from the clipboard are placed with components original WBS items.
    • When the Configuration Variable OPPID_NUMBER_INCREMENT_ON_ASSEMBLY_PLACEMENT_MODE is set, it automatically prompts with the following dialog to determine what should be done with the Number property of the tags:
      • 0: Assigns the next available Number in the document.
      • 1: Increments the Original Number value defined in the assembly.
      • 2: Maintains the Original Number value but does not increment.
      • 3: Prompts the above modes (default) set.
    • If the number has an alpha char, the number is left as it was defined from assemblies or paste from the clipboard.